08 Aug

We have a lot planned this month. From day trips, playdates with other pomskies and a special playdate to meet our previous puppies.

The pack are being treated to new places on a regular basis. I am ensuring that the new places involve different activities that they do not do every day. We have recently discovered that every pack member loves running, playing, splashing and swimming in water. Raven has always been confident in the water and naturally loves playing in it. It seems she has led some of the others who were not sure about it and now everyone enjoys it. 

Socialisation is essential throughout their lives so behind the scenes, I am doing a lot with each pack member- sometimes on their own, or randomly with different pack members. 

After a good enrichment session with lickimats, kongs or puzzle treats, the dogs have a good sleep. Whilst they sleep, I am continuing writing up my puppy starter pack paperwork. I am completely changing it with many new topics added to benefit new puppy owners from the early stages and throughout their puppy's lives into adulthood. 

I have more knowledge from my courses and I really want to help puppy owners to get them off to the best start. I will be highlighting the importance of early socialisation as well as engagement games. Those first 16 weeks of a dog's life will have a huge impact on their personality, and how they learn to navigate the world around them as they develop.

The paperwork will cover other topics such as diet, training, first aid kit, the ladder of communication, teenage phase, body condition scoring, grooming, fear periods and many more. My goal is to guide my puppy owners so they are able to have the tools to raise their puppy to become a well rounded dog. I will always be there for them to contact me as well. 

Whilst we wait for Raven to come into season (to be paired with Drake), I am preparing for our future puppies. I have bought them a lot of new toys, food puzzle items like lickimats and snufflemats, and many items for their starter packs. By the time they are created, I should have everything I will need to socialise them and prepare them for the big world.

Towards the end of the month Astra and Willow will be having their hips and elbows x rayed for scoring. I hope for great results as both girls have incredible temperaments and I know they would produce spectacular puppies. 

Claire 🐾

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