16 Jan

On the 14th January, Alaska became restless and started panting on and off. That night was a restless one and she was determined to make a nest on my duvet. Contractions started around 11am on the 15th January and Alaska delivered 4 beautiful girls throughout the day. It was the easiest labour I have assisted in. She did extremely well and the power naps in between puppies, must have helped her. I had high hopes for her as she has shown great resilience in many aspects. She impressed me and I am super proud of her. 

Alaska appears to have created 2 clones.

Here is Alaska as a puppy:

Delta and Dakota are extremely alike!

Carter from Willow and Drake's litter looks similar to Alaska and here he is as a puppy. 

Carter has the white splashes of fur on his back too. I have been wondering where Disco's and Dana's white faces have come from and after going through the family tree, I realised Drake's black and white brother in his litter, looks extremely like our special girls. There was me waiting for a mini Hendrix! I have seen a lot of Hendrix's relatives with the whiter face so maybe it came from him too. Hendrix has a full brother from an earlier litter and he has a wide open mask. It is going to be wonderful watching these girls grow!

We are a day into their lives and they have gained a great amount of weight, Alaska is feeding them well, cleaning them and she is a naturally wonderful mother.

I am super excited for the next 8 weeks. Socialising 4 puppies will be so much easier than Raven's litter of 8. I have so much planned for these little girls. We are going to have a lot of fun and I will show off their development on here, on my Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Although I received interest in Alaska's puppies, noone has put a deposit down yet. I am in no rush, partly because I will have a better idea of their personalities around 6 weeks of age. I want to enjoy my time with our little ones and give them everything I can to set them up for life. 

~ Claire 🐾

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